viernes, 14 de julio de 2023

#THE FELONA (Versión en Inglés)



                     Author: Claudio Puma- Peruvian poet

Look at the Felona,

Says she's the heroine equinox

feels iron and heretic with the dictatorial horde,

and his ship with Pirate Flag.


#The Felona, ​​which spider, wove wonders for us,

and said that he loved the people,

but she fooled us,

and sent us to the silence of the skeletons.


#The Felona wants to be a paper queen,

How have you changed your outfits?

You give millions to the corrupt,

and to the people miserably pennies.


#The Felona wants to resign,

but his crab trolls won't let him,

while the people gets sharpened:

“This democracy is not democracy,

Felona, ​​the songs of the shackles await you,

in the mirrors of time..."

Stop Felonocracy!

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